NIRH Action Fund and PAC Endorse Candidates Supporting Abortion Access, Release Voter Guide for New York Primaries

June 16, 2020
Contact: Marisa Rodriguez, [email protected]

National Institute for Reproductive Health Action Fund and Action Fund PAC point to candidates who will advance access to reproductive health, rights, and justice

NEW YORK – The National Institute for Reproductive Health (NIRH) Action Fund and Action Fund PAC today released their primary voter guide to give New York voters the information necessary to elect candidates who will protect reproductive freedom at the local, state and federal levels. The voter guide outlines the list of candidates running for office in 2020 primaries and notes their stances on abortion access, and whether NIRH Action Fund or Action Fund PAC has officially endorsed them.

“Amid continued attacks on basic rights and freedoms from federal and state governments – as well as nationwide resistance to America’s ongoing legacy of anti-Black violence, systemic racism, and the ongoing threat of a dangerous pandemic – this year’s elections are absolutely pivotal to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice,” said Andrea Miller, President of NIRH Action Fund & Action Fund PAC. “The 2018 New York elections helped pave the way for the passage of the Reproductive Health Act and funding of abortion care in New York City, and served as an important reminder of the power of local and state elections. This year, New York once again has the opportunity to elect candidates who will fight for every person’s right to control their bodies, lives, and futures. With the Democratic primary just one week away, we are working to inform voters and help elect reproductive champions at every level in New York.”

This year’s endorsements, and the NIRH Action Fund’s work in battleground states this year, aim to elect champions with an expansive vision for reproductive freedom and re-elect champions who have stood firm in their support for reproductive freedom – ensuring that we can continue to improve upon our laws and protect every person’s ability to control their bodies, lives, and futures. Below is a list of NIRH Action Fund and Action Fund PAC endorsements for 2020 elections.

Endorsed by NIRH Action Fund  

United States Congress

NY1 Nancy Goroff

NY3 Melanie D’Arrigo

NY8 Hakeem Jeffries

NY10 Jerry Nadler

NY12 Carolyn Maloney

NY14 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

NY16 Eliot Engel

NY20 Paul Tonko

NY25 Joe Morelle

NY26 Brian Higgins

NY27 Nate McMurray


Endorsed by NIRH Action Fund PAC

State Senate

SD1 Laura Ahearn

SD4 Christine Pellegrino

SD5 Jim Gaughran

SD7 Anna Kaplan

SD 12 Mike Gianaris

SD28 Liz Krueger

SD31 Robert Jackson

SD32 Louis Sepulveda

SD41 Karen Smythe

SD42 Jen Metzger

SD44 Neil Breslin

SD45 Kimberly Davis

SD 46 Michelle Hinchey

SD49 Thearse McCalmon

SD51 Jim Barber

SD55 Samra Brouke

SD56 Jeremy Cooney

SD 58 Leslie Danks Burke

SD61 Jacqui Berger

SD63 Tim Kennedy


State Assembly

AD6 Phil Ramos

AD12 Michael Marcantonio

AD13 Chuck Levine

AD15 Joe Sackman

AD25 Nily Rozic

AD29 Alicia Hyndman

AD34 Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas

AD36 Aravella Simotas

AD50 Joe Lentol

AD51 Felix Ortiz

AD56 Stefanie Zinerman

AD65 Yuh-Line Neu

AD73 Dan Quart

AD74 Harvey Epstein

AD75 Dick Gottfried

AD87 Karines Reyes

AD91 Steve Otis

AD103 John McDonald

AD106 Didi Barrett

AD109 Patricia Fahey

AD123 Donna Lupardo

AD131 Matthew Miller

AD135 Jen Lunsford

AD136 Sarah Clarke

AD138 Harry Bronson

AD143 Monica Wallace

AD146 Karen McMahon


City Council

CD37 Sandy Nurse

Italics indicate non-incumbent


The NIRH Action Fund PAC makes endorsements in New York State to advance reproductive health, rights, and justice across the state.

The NIRH Action Fund conducts nonpartisan advocacy and electoral engagement to advance reproductive freedom in states and cities across the country.